
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Easter 2014

For Easter we've started the tradition of doing Easter baskets on the Saturday morning before Easter Sunday. We can take our time, enjoy the contents, and that way the next morning we can just focus on getting ready for church.

This year the girls wore their new matching birthday dresses from Grandpa Billy and Grandma Gayle. Lucy even wore curlers in her hair the night before to be extra fancy.

After church on Easter Sunday.

Lucy loving all her surprise treats found in her basket Saturday morning. It was her "Best day ever!"

The contents of all the "baskets": Zach got a tie, candy, cologne, and shaving kit. Lucy got egg dying kits, garden gloves, long satin play gloves, hair clips, play doh, and scratch art. Clara got a dress, hair clips, and sunglasses. Also See's candies from Grandpa Billy and Grandma Gayle to share with Lucy. I got garden gloves and weeding tool, milano cookies, hair bands, Dior Lip Glow balm, and hair bands. 

Dying Easter Eggs

I always wait until after Easter and then boy a bunch of egg dying kits half off and save them for next year. 

What do you do for Easter? Family traditions? Special foods?

My mom used to make coconut bunny cakes, and we always had to search the whole house to find our baskets. The oven, dryer, fireplace, and in kitchen cupboards were popular spots.

We usually got new Easter outfits as well, and the mine usually came with a white straw hat and gloves. Fancy!

We would also dye Easter eggs every year, which was always a lot of fun.

Boyd, Scott, Sean and I on an Easter morning. Sporting our new Easter outfits.

Krista and I Easter Morning.

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