
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sisters Dance

Lucy and Clara loved their their weekly ballet class this past fall, and have started performing on their own time.

Pretty girl. 

Giving the kitty a kiss.

Their performance involved a lot of blankets. 

Hahaha! I love this one of Clara.

Binder clip keeping the dress on her. 

I love seeing them play well together. <3


Costume change!

Clara, so dramatic!


We're excited to start ballet class again now that the holidays are over. Lucy really loves dancing all around and showing us her made up moves. I was surprised to find that Clara followed instruction when I was telling Lucy which dance moves to show her Dad one day. Clara was doing them too! Who knew she was even paying attention!?

I'm glad I could share my love of dance and performing with my girls. It brings be back to my younger days of putting on productions and musical numbers with my little sisters. :)

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