
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Talk Like A Pirate Day

For "Talk Like A Pirate Day" Krispy Kreme was giving out a dozen donuts free if you dressed up like a pirate and came into their store.  We decided to make it a family activity and Lucy and I spent the day collecting pieces for our costumes for when Dad came home that night.

We had so much fun creating all our costumes, and really enjoyed the free four dozen donuts we got in return! We had so many donuts that we decided to invite a family in our ward over for desserts after church the following Sunday, and had a great time visiting with them and playing a few games.

Already had a stripe shirt, ruffle sweater, big belt with buckle, brass necklace, big brass earrings, headscarf, and boots for my costume. 

Zach had a pirate costume from when he was single.

Already had the lace dress, head scarf, and hip wrap.

Used an old shirt of mine and Lucy's old pants that were already in a giveaway bag. Punched holes in the collar and added string, and cut off the bottom of the pants in zig zags. Already had the hair bandanna, coin necklace, belt, shoes, and wooden knife. Used black felt and a safety pin we already had to make the eye patch.

We will definitely do this again next year! The best part is that now we already have the costumes ready to go! We will only have to scrounge up one new costume for our new baby when he gets here. :)

I think we may have to make it an annual doughnut and game night and invite people over to eat with us. Let us know if you are interested in coming!

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