Let's do this!
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1. Read More:
I got a few books for Christmas that I'm excited to read, Steal Like An Artist and Parenting with Love and Logic. (Maybe even finish Daring to Be Yourself, from last years unfinished goal.)
I love to read and want to make more time to do it!
2. Write more love letters:
In my Book Arts class in college I made a little blue book and gave it to Zach as a gift. It's the "card that keeps on giving". Instead of buying a card each holiday, anniversary, etc. I just open the book and fill in a new page or two.
I've glued in family pictures, written lists of things I love about him, and written about what I am doing to make our home a place of love. I've written in it when he was deployed, and when we were anxiously awaiting the arrival of our babies.
I love having a place where all those wonderful memories and sentiments are all bound together in one place.
My goal for this year is to use it more!
3. Daughter parties:
I want to purposefully create more fun memories with Lucy and Clara.
Some ideas: tea parties, massage circles, makeovers, etc. The idea is to purposefully create more positive experiences with Lucy. If anyone would like to come over for some of these, let me know!
Here are some examples of someone who inspires me with all the fun things they do with their daughters:
4. Use up art supplies I already own:
Over the years I've collected an assortment of art supplies from various places. I hate hoarding and storing things for no reason, so I would love to "downsize" my collection and finally put it to good use. Lucy will most likely be involved in this process.
5. Draw more:
Maybe do envelope drawings? Drawing is such a satisfying experience for me, that it makes my list of goals once again.
6. Share more art:
This relates to the above goal of drawing more.
I am inspired by this post to post my creations on Instagram and put more of myself out there, as well as "follow" more artists. I do miss the amazing community of creative minds you have while in school taking art classes. I always love discovering the inspiring works of others.
7. Family pictures:
Time for an updated family picture. We haven't had one since Peter was born. I would also like to get pictures of the girls together and solo. Included in this goal is framing and hanging them in our new home.
8. Meet our neighbors:
At Christmas we brought treats and introduced ourselves to the people who live on either side of us. It was so great to just break the ice right at the beginning and let them know who we are, and get to know them too.
My goal for this year is to meet our new neighbor who just moved in, and also introduce ourselves to the ones across the street from us.
9. Teach more:
In December I was called to serve as a Sunday school (Primary) teacher for the 7-8 year olds in our congregation. Earlier this month I was released from that assignment and called to be the teacher for the 16-18 year old girls. I love diving back into teaching and especially reviewing all the training materials my church provides. They are so good!
For this goal I want to reach beyond traditional church teaching and share some of my talents and passions, and pass the knowledge on. A lovely lady I've made friends with has inspired me by offering free piano and sewing lessons to other women in our church. I love her willingness to share and teach her talents to others.
Some ideas might be: making boutineers, watercolor painting, drawing, braiding, book making, etc.
Any other ideas of things I could offer to teach? I could even post a tutorial on here? What are some things you wish someone would teach you for free?
10. Go to a show:
Ideally, a great Broadway show, but I would settle for a fun high school production. I love the thrill of live theater and musicals.
Anyone in the area interested in seeing a show with me? Possibly buying cheap season tickets? Hit me up and let me know! It is always much more fun to share experiences like this with others.
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Alright! Anyone else doing fun things this year!? Please post in the comments below! I am always on the lookout for new ideas.