
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Thirteen for 2013

Sometimes we get discouraged about all the things we didn't do- goals we failed to achieve, or just things we didn't make the time for. Instead of lamenting and feeling guilty about what we missed, let's focus on some of the positive, uplifting, and even hard things we've done this year- even if they were unplanned and not a "goal".

Here are Thirteen  Awesome Accomplishments for 2013:

1. Made a baby
Clara Rose Davis came in 2013 while I battled with gestational diabetes, sickness, and stress. I am so glad everything turned out well.

2. Had something removed from my arm
Might not seem like a big deal to most people, but I have been working on overcoming my anxiety about needles, shots, etc. for the past five or so years and have come a looooong way. I didn't have any tears, and I didn't even feel like I was having a panic attack afterwards!

3. Moved
A somewhat expected change, but with very little information until the last minute. Sad to leave all our friends, but excited to move to a bigger city with a Temple and big airport, which hopefully translates into seeing family more!

4. Lots of fun family visits!
Nana & Poppa, Scott & Christina, Dad & Gayle, Boyd

5. Another year as RS President
Thank goodness for my amazing presidency members who have helped me out so much this year as I was traveling, sick, with a new babe, etc. Thank you!

6. Garage Sale
Participated last minute in a friends garage sale and got to unload stuff that I would have just donated anyway. Downsized and made money doing it!

7. Zumba!
I do not like to sweat, but I love to dance! I made a point to attend free Zumba exercise classes and loved being able to work out and make friends at the same time.

8. Sold our house/bought a house
It took a long time to find the right house to buy, but thankfully only took two weeks to sell our old house. What a huge relief it was to not have that house to worry about as we moved forward.

9. Pink Tea Society Parties
Had a blast participating in mommy and me tea parties (pink lemonade) with some church friends. Only wish we could have hosted more before moving. It was so fun planning, dressing up, and creating cute treats and activities for the mini ladies and gentleman who attended. It is always fun getting to know other moms better and visiting with them too!

10. Followed through on inspiration
- Ladies Night: Cheese party
- Red lipstick
- Mother's Lounge friends

11. Made new friends
- Invited people over for dinner and games
- Accepted every invitation we could
- Showed up to everything
- Combined Family Nights
- Ladies luncheon salad bar
- Grilled cheese Ladies luncheon

12. Ate fresh new things
Mango, papaya, fresh coconut, kale, beets, parsnips

13. Joined a choir!
I loved being a part of a church choir again. Part of what I loved about Zach when we first started dating was that he was in the ward choir when we met. I love spending time together sharing our interests and talents.

Anyone else accomplish some unexpected or unplanned things this year? Let's celebrate all the victories, big or little!

See here for past accomplishments.

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