
Friday, February 28, 2014

2013: Final Goal Review

The year is over! Let's see how we did for 2013.

1. Make homemade bread in the oven:
So yummy! I've made this many times since. I love that it is so easy and so few ingredients. The recipe makes a ton, so I love to make it with a giant crock pot of soup and invite people over for dinner and games. (Anyone interested!?)

2. Chalkboard frame and drawings:
I really enjoyed this one!   I especially love collaborating with Lucy and look forward to more collaboration in 2014.
Here are the drawings we made for 2013:
"How to" found hereJanuaryFebruaryApril (before)April (after), June, October  

This is one I definitely want to continue with! I've had the family portrait from Peter's birthday up since October because I loved it so much. Lucy rubbed part of it off this past week, so I guess it is time to erase it and start a new drawing! 

3. Professional Massage:

Wonderful! We enjoyed a couples massage while we were in Iowa visiting family. Zach and I both enjoyed it and I think it might be our new anniversary tradition! The perfect gift to each other. 

4. Organize and downsize jewelry collection:
I did sell a few pieces in a garage sale before we moved.  I did have to reorganize my jewelry box after the move because everything inside got all tangled up. (Boo.) I took advantage of the opportunity by pulling out a few necklaces for Lucy to put in her jewelry box for playing dress up, and also pulled out anything I don't wear regularly. This included stuff from high school, heirloom pieces, etc. that just aren't my style right now. These pieces went into storage for later when Lucy and Clara are a bit older. 

5. Have fresh flowers in my home:
Yes! We started with planting some flowers and watching them grow in the windowsill. Lucy also loves picking weeds flowers from our yard and having me display them in a vase on the kitchen table. I also picked some of our roses to enjoy.

Now that we have moved into a new house I've been looking for a windowsill or safe place to have some new plants, but nothing has jumped out at me yet. I would really love to have some fresh herbs growing.

6. Make some hair clips for Lucy:
Done! See here and here

7. Fill another sketch book
Fail! Getting started really is the hardest part. 

8. Finish reading Daring to Be Yourself:
Not even close. Despite my best intentions, I just didn't pick a book that held my interest enough to finish by the end of the year. Someday?

9. Do a new art project with Lucy every month:
Good enough! When I made this goal I kind of forgot that I would be dealing with pregnancy and an additional child/newborn this year. With the assortment of art we did do, and twelve overall throughout the year, I think this is a win. It was fun to trying to think of new things to introduce her to, and fun trying new mediums together.

Something I've also been working on is not micromanaging her projects, and trying to just let her do her own thing. I find that it helps if we each have 
separate pieces to work on so that I can make my own. It frees me up to let her create on her own instead of making sure she does it "right". This also becomes easier as she gets older and can do more on her own. 

January: Scrap book
April: Welcome Chalkboard Drawing
May: Magic Color Markers from Trish
October: Peter's birthday Chalkboard, Stain glass painting

10.  Visit Alaska for Christmas:
Sadly, no. With the move, job situation, etc. we weren't able to make it to Alaska this year. On the up side, we did enjoy having Boyd and Andrew come visit for Christmas, and were able to visit with many other relatives this past year, including a last-minute trip to Iowa. See here, here, and here

So, there we have it! 7/10.  Not as good as last year, but hey, seven more than if I hadn't tried at all!

Now it's time to write up my list for 2014. So, people of the interwebs! What fun things would you like to do this year? Anything on your list of dreams? 

Any pins that you've been dying to try? Or maybe you did something fun last year that you think I should try? Please share in the comments below! I need inspiration! 

See here for a comprehensive list of past goals and surprise accomplishments. 


  1. Love your list of goals. I need to get started on this again. It really was helpful to do them by the month. I don't have yearly goals, but I like having monthly goals. Thanks for inspiration.

    1. I love your monthly goals! I especially liked the one about sending thank you cards.


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